Friday, January 1, 2021

Fanuc Alarm 449: INV. IPM ALARM

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Fanuc Alarm 449: INV. IPM ALARM

This alarm is usually accompanied by Alarm 414 and Alarm 401.

According to the Fanuc manual


Description: SVM: IPM (intelligent power module) detected an alarm.

Meaning: Servo Amplifier Module detected alarm.

CAUTION: Following steps require working around high voltage electrical power. Proceed with caution or consult a qualified technician for troubleshooting. 

Steps: Check the LED status of the servo amplifier module(s) in the electrical cabinet WITH the control power turned ON. The electrical cabinet may be equipped with a "door interlock" function causing the machine breaker to trip if you open the cabinet door with the power turned ON. If this happens, check the relevant machine's manual on how to bypass this for troubleshooting purposes.  

One of the drive units will show an alarm indication (as shown below).

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Please use the following information to troubleshoot the alarm.

8              L-axis over-current (HCL)
9              M-axis over-current (HCM)
A              N-axis over-current (HCN) 
b             L & M-axis over-current
C             M & N-axis over-current
d             L & N-axis over-current
E              L, M, N -axis over-current
8.             L-axis IPM alarm (IPML)
9.             M-axis IPM alarm (IPMM)
A.             N-axis IPM alarm (IPMN) 
b.            L & M-axis IPM alarm
C.            M & N-axis IPM alarm
d.            L & N-axis IPM alarm
E.             L, M, N-axis IPM alarm